With the unlocker downloaded, simply extract the zip file. To download this unlocker you can visit the Unlocker GitHub page. The Unlocker replaces a few files of VMware and patches it up so that you will be able to boot macOS easily. At the end of the installation, you will get a dialogue that says the installation has been completed.Once you have agreed to it, the installation will then begin soon.During the setup, you will have to agree to the terms of the license agreement.Run the installer, Windows will ask if you want all the programs to make changes, click on Yes.Head over to the downloads page of VMWare to download the latest version available.

You can almost emulate any operating system easily. VMware is one such great software that you can use to try out macOS Monterey. To run macOS 12 Monterey on Windows, you will have to download virtual machine software. VMware Workstation 16 Pro (latest versions).We are going to use the VMware workstation for this guide.
But it is a bit complex method to install macOS Monterey on Windows. There are macOS Monterey ISO files available which means it is possible to install macOS like Windows. And the great thing is we can get macOS on Windows PC. Many of us only have a Windows PC but we can’t deny the fact that macOS is an amazing OS.
How to install macOS 12 Monterey on Windows

So, read along to know how to install macOS Monterey on VMware on a Windows PC. With so many cool features baked right into the new OS, everyone wants to have a taste of the new macOS Monterey. You can now AirPlay items from your iPad or iPhone to your Mac system. From being able to stream share content from Apple Music and Netflix via SharePlay right over a Facetime call. For starters, macOS Monterey has a lot of cool new features brought out to the table.